Whether your last year was filled with too much sugar and missed dental cleanings, there is still time to start this one right with a healthier and brighter smile. Here are three more ideas to help you get that gleaming grin in 2023:
Have an Oral Hygiene Routine
Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Brushing before bed every night is very important to rid of the day’s leftover food particles and caked-on sugar. Just go ahead and spend the additional few minutes flossing as well.
Take advantage of consultation with your dentist to know more about keeping proper oral hygiene for immediate results.
Routine Dentist Visits
Make sure regular cleanings at the dentist’s office are in your future. Professional cleanings help remove any built-up plaque and tartar while allowing your dentist to spot any early signs of decay or other issues. Regular visits with your dentist will help with preventive maintenance.
Choose Healthy Food
It’s not unusual for businesses to have holiday parties where sweets are available all day. What you consume is important. Having a snack of sweets or carbohydrates, such as crackers and meals with a wide variety of ingredients, feeds the bacteria in your mouth that break down sugars into acids that erode dental enamel. Your teeth are continuously being drenched in sugar if you snack on these kinds of foods or drink sugary beverages all day. One of these sweets every day is the maximum you should consume. Crunchy, raw vegetables like carrots or celery sticks are healthier options that are also healthy for your teeth.
A few changes today could have a big impact on your smile tomorrow! The start of the year is a great time to focus on your oral health! Happy and safe new year from Palm Dental to you and your loved ones! Call (361)-238-4460 to get in touch with our office if you want to know more about the services we provide or to arrange a consultation.