Benefits of a Fixed Bridge - Palm Tree Dental

Benefits of a Fixed Bridge

Benefits of a Fixed Bridge

Patients who have missing teeth may find relief using dental bridges. Speaking and eating may be more difficult due to the space the missing tooth has left. A dental bridge fixes the prosthetic crown that replaces the missing tooth with healthy teeth on either side of the space.

Why Choose Dental Bridges?

A good oral care routine is advised because dental issues are unavoidable. Also, make routine appointments for cleanings and examinations at the dentist. To ensure comfort and aesthetics, a competent dentist should give dental bridges if you choose to replace a missing tooth.


A dental bridge improves the appearance and function of the replacement tooth and restores the missing tooth’s functionality. Choosing a porcelain crown is a standard solution since it is tooth-colored.


You won’t have to worry about a dental bridge unintentionally dropping out of the mouth as you do with dentures. The bridge will be firmly secured and only removed to have your teeth cleaned.


Dental bridges and crowns have amazing levels of durability. With the right maintenance, they can last a very long time. A dental bridge typically lasts ten years.


Because of their least invasive nature, patients frequently prefer dental bridges over other solutions like dental implants. Dental bridges can be inserted inside the mouth without the need for invasive procedures, the way it happens in Dental Implants.


Dental bridges are a simple option if you wish to replace a missing tooth. It generally takes only two appointments to complete the placement process.


Because of the aforementioned reasons, dental bridges are frequently favored over other dental repairs. Scheduling a consultation session with the dentist is a great approach to determining if this restoration is right for you. To learn more about dental bridges, contact Palm Tree Dental at 361-238-4460 for an appointment or visit our Ingleside, Tx office right away.

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Medicaid, Most PPO insurances and Fee for service