Causes of dental erosion and its treatment | Palm Tree Dental

Causes of dental erosion and its treatment

Causes of dental erosion and its treatment

Dental erosion, one of the most common dental problems in various parts of the world, has caused sensitivity to the tooth, discoloration, and sometimes cavities. Let’s discuss the major causes of dental erosion and how this problem should be treated accordingly.

Causes of Dental Erosion

While dental erosion can occur due to many factors, knowing the possible causes and alternatives for the treatment should be known to ensure good oral health.

Here are common causes and treatments for dental erosion.

1. Acidic Foods and Beverages

Sodas, citrus fruits, and wine can erode acidic food or drinks that wear away the enamel of the teeth. The enamel can be continuously eaten away by the acidic levels.

2. Bad Oral Hygiene

A high number of plaque accumulation may cause dental caries, leading to erosion of enamel due to acids produced by bacteria. Regular brushing and flossing prevent this.

3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

A condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease attacks the back of the esophagus with acid from the stomach and has also been linked to erosion of the enamel.

It can move upward from the stomach into the mouth in patients who have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It leaves the teeth exposed to aggressive acids. The acid could try and find a way to neutralize the saliva in the mouth and could dissolve the hard structure of the tooth; this occurs more often if the patient has erosion.

4. Dry Mouth

Saliva neutralizes acids and prevents damage to the teeth. If there is a medical condition or medication that hampers the salivary glands, that can cause a dry mouth and risk increases for erosion.

5. Brushing Too Hard

While a good oral hygiene routine is important, over brushing wears away the enamel of teeth. A soft bristle toothbrush and gentle strokes are the best way to brush teeth.

Dental Erosion Treatment

1. Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride has been proven to reverse erosion of weakened enamel. Fluoride varnishes and gels that make teeth stronger not to contribute further to the erosion of teeth are utilized by dentists.

2. Dental Sealants

Sealants create a barrier layer at the chewing surfaces of teeth to protect from acids and decay.

3. Lifestyle Alterations

Limit your intake of acidic food or drink as much as possible. Instead, drink water or milk, and rinse your mouth with water after ingestion of acidic foods or drinks.

4. Saliva Substitutes

If the patients have persistent dryness in their mouth, saliva substitute may be applied for them to constantly keep their mouth wet and which can neutralize acidity.

5. Prosthetic Dental Therapy

Advanced erosion cases may require restorative procedures that allow patients to regain the lost function and aesthetics such as with crowns, veneers, or fillings.


Dental erosion is preventable. There are so many causes of dental erosion. Knowing the causes and appropriate steps for treatments and prevention prevent the damage from occurring in your teeth. Regular check-ups with dental professionals and the practice of good oral hygiene keep your smile perfectly healthy. If you feel you have damaged teeth, seek a dental professional to gain professional advice and treatment. A little care prevents this kind of dental damage.

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