Dentist Archives - Page 7 of 10 - Palm Tree Dental

Category: Dentist

Can Your Ingleside Dentist Improve Your Bright Smile?

Many people long for the beautiful “movie-star” white smile. What many do not know is that the “perfect” smile is absolutely achievable with the help of an experienced dentist. Continue reading for more information about how Palm Tree Dental can help you improve your smile and get the look you’ve always dreamed of. Teeth Whitening […]


7 Important Tips to Follow After Root Canal Treatment

If you have recently had a root canal treatment done, it is crucial to ensure that you are properly following your dentist’s tips and recommendations for your post-op healing period. Top 7 important tips to follow after your root canal treatment Take prescription medications as directed Even if you do not feel pain after your […]


How Does a Root Canal Stop Dental Infection?

Facing root canal treatment may be a bit nerve-wracking for some people, but the truth is that root canal treatment is essential in the stopping and prevention of dental infections. Palm Tree Dental is here to help you understand your root canal treatment in Ingleside, Texas; continue reading for more information about what a root […]


3 Ways to Find the Best Dentist for You

Finding a dentist that you click with and feel completely comfortable with is an important part of maintaining your oral health. This is a great way to ensure that you do not feel any anxiety when it comes time for you to pay a visit to the dentist, as well as to ensure that you […]


How to Solve Family Dental Issues?

Here at Palm Tree Dental, we are happy to provide comprehensive dental treatment for all types of dental issues, including those that commonly affect family members of all ages. Continue reading for more information about how to solve family dental issues. Tooth Decay Tooth decay is a common dental issue that has the potential to […]


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Medicaid, Most PPO insurances and Fee for service