Here at Palm Tree Dental, we are happy to provide comprehensive dental treatment for all types of dental issues, including those that commonly affect family members of all ages. Continue reading for more information about how to solve family dental issues.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is a common dental issue that has the potential to lead to pain, discomfort, bone loss, and tooth loss. Decay occurs when bacteria is allowed to accumulate on the surface of the teeth and is not properly removed by thorough home care or professional cleanings.
In order to combat decay, we recommend ensuring that you brush and floss thoroughly at least twice each day. It is also crucial that you attend your regularly-scheduled professional cleaning and check up appointments.
Bad Breath
Known clinically as halitosis, bad breath can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for both you and those around you. Bad breath is commonly caused by a large amount of bacteria inside the mouth. To combat bad breath, make sure that you are practicing proper dental hygiene habits by brushing and flossing at least twice daily and attending your cleaning and regular check up appointments. We also recommend investing in a tongue scraper to ensure that your tongue is free of bad breath-causing bacteria.
Gum Disease
Gum disease occurs when bacteria is allowed to accumulate below the gum line, which eventually causes pockets to form between the gum and tooth. These pockets make it especially easy for bacteria to collect and begin to eat away at the gum, bone, and tooth. Practicing proper home care is an excellent way to protect yourself against gum disease, as is attending your cleaning and check up appointments. If you have already been diagnosed with gum disease, your dentist will ensure that you will undergo periodontal scaling and root planing cleanings, in which the hygienist will clean under the gum-line and place antibiotics to ensure that there is no bacteria accumulation.
Here at Palm Tree Dental, we are happy to offer comprehensive treatment for all members of the family. For more information about treatment options at our Ingleside, Tx dental office, give us a call at (361) 238-4460.